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Showing posts from October, 2016

How many words for foolish in Punjabi language.

How many words for foolish  in Punjabi language.. Enough to bother you.

What is the Technical Difference between Welding and Wedding

  An Engineer was asked:  "What is the Technical Difference between Welding and Wedding ...." He replied: "Not much; both are joints, in a way....... In Welding there are sparks first and bonding forever;  whereas in Wedding there is bonding first and sparks 💥⚡forever ..."😝 Keep smiling😃😃👍

Nail polish paste with Scorpion's new fashion

Nail polish paste with Scorpion's new fashion Snake or scorpion gets overwhelmed horrible to look at women but Mexico women threw away the fear for the sake of fashion. In Mexico opened a parlor are left to watch the live scorpions that are glued on fingernails in an unique way.

Tears came out of Nawaz Sharif.

Tears came out of Nawaz Sharif.Nawaz Sharif says he remember the poor nation.

Khan admitted Nawaz sharef is a king

Khan admitted  Nawaz sharef is a king 

Tea Maker makes good tea.

Tea Maker makes good tea.

Who will eat charsi kebab.

Who will eat charsi kebab. Drug addict. Do not worry. It's kind of a kebab , which is Seasoning (cooked)only in the salt market in Peshawar .

Eighteen months will change the destiny of the country.

Eighteen months will change the destiny of the country.When will begin eighteen months.??

Govt is searching for qurbani.

Govt is searching for qurbani. شیخ رشید کا کہنا ہے کہ حکومت اہنی جان بچانے کے لئے کسی سرکاری بکرے کوڈھونڈ رہی ہے۔۔شیخ  رشید صاحب ایسے باتیں۔۔۔۔گزشستہ کئی سالوں کر رہے ہیں۔

If the demands were not met will be a long march.

If the demands were not met will be a long march. بلاول زرداری کا کہنا ہے کہ اگر چار مطالبے پورے نہ ہوئے تو لانگ مارچ ہوگا۔ ان کے سیاسی مخالفین کا کہنا ہے کہ ابھی وہ بچے ہیں۔ اتنا بڑا قدم اٹھانے سے پہلے تھوڑے وڈے ہو جائیں۔

The greatest liar in the world, is Modi.

The greatest liar in the world, is Modi. Modi began barking again on Pakistan.   مودی نے پاکستان کے خلاف  دوبارہ بھونکنا شروع کر دیا۔

Hillary Clinton are intoxicated.

Hillary Clinton are intoxicated. ٹرمپ نے ہلیری کو ٹرم کر دیا۔ پر کٹنے کے بعد۔۔ہیلری کے لئے آڑان بھرنا مشکل ہو گیا۔ Trump demanded that, the Clinton's drug test before debate

Modi's near-sightedness.

Modi's near-sightedness. ٘Shulry modi has eye side problem, because he can not see near kashmiri children, but he is able to see thousands miles.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi not to mention thousands of innocent Kashmiris

Prime Minister Narendra Modi not to mention thousands of innocent Kashmiris children in his speech. But he feel sad of Shami children.

What is last work of Molana fazal rehman before go to bed.

What is last work of Molana fazal rehman before go to bed. A study of the 1973 Constitution. Or they think measures to strengthen the relationship with the government. Or Imran Khan leaves politics. Some blew spirit will be read. Or MMA again ... Be active, will think of ways to celebrate Siraj ul Haq. Or the status of the Chairman of Kashmir Committee, about kashsmeeri rights. Or Please say something......... ........

India arrested Pakistani spy.

India arrested Pakistani spy. Indian officers with Pakistani spy pigeons.Indian security officials arrested Pakistani spy after a tough competition.

What is last work of Imran Khan before go to bed.

What is last work of nawazshreef before go to bed

What is last work of Nawaz shreef before go to bed?

Galaxy Note 7 has passed away.

Galaxy Note 7 has passed away. Samsung has stooped production Galaxy Note 7. On Sept. 2, Samsung announced a global recall of 2.5 million Note 7s due to faulty batteries which caused some of the phones to catch fire.A Phone is also catch fire in airplane .

Once again took the banner in favor of Sharif in Karachi.

Once again took the banner in favor of Sharif in Karachi.               Some people have been looking sauces. And began to C۔۔۔۔۔C۔۔۔ccccc.

India has also outpaced the devil

 the devil's tail will be heard. But  India has also outpaced the devil. An India young man has tail. which is on his back. Dr. Cut this tail form back. He feel shy when he wear clothes

India is not hungry for other's ground.

India is not hungry for other's ground.... HAaa haha haha We are not hungry for others ground. He was taking a speech in a Rally. According to the Press Trust of India news agency said Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a function in New Delhi on Sunday, the Indians did not attack anyone. India is a land not hungry. But two world wars (which had nothing to do directly to India) was a half million Indian soldiers sacrificed their lives. "

General Dalbir met troops surgical strikes.

General  Dalbir  met troops surgical strikes. Indian media. The newspaper 'The Indian Express' has got a report quoted sources from the Indian Army Chief General Dalbir Singh troops to' surgical strike on the LoC.

China blocked a river of water of the river Brahmaputra

India and Bangladesh upset News of the Brahmaputra river to river water comes at a time when India is threatening revised IWT with Pakistan. At a meeting of militant attacks in Indian-administered Kashmir Uri's Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that "can not flow with blood and water." Brahmaputra river from China into India's northeastern states of Arunachal Pradesh and Assam is known as Bangladesh Hah hah hah modi 

In China a man 'killed 17 neighbors to cover up murder of parents

In China a man 'killed 17 neighbours to cover up murder of parents. Its incident is happen in chines remote village. China's official media, a person has to kill their parents after a dispute over money and confessed to killing his 17 neighbors to cover up the crime.