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How many words for foolish in Punjabi language.

How many words for foolish  in Punjabi language.. Enough to bother you.

What is the Technical Difference between Welding and Wedding

  An Engineer was asked:  "What is the Technical Difference between Welding and Wedding ...." He replied: "Not much; both are joints, in a way....... In Welding there are sparks first and bonding forever;  whereas in Wedding there is bonding first and sparks 💥⚡forever ..."😝 Keep smiling😃😃👍

Nail polish paste with Scorpion's new fashion

Nail polish paste with Scorpion's new fashion Snake or scorpion gets overwhelmed horrible to look at women but Mexico women threw away the fear for the sake of fashion. In Mexico opened a parlor are left to watch the live scorpions that are glued on fingernails in an unique way.

Tears came out of Nawaz Sharif.

Tears came out of Nawaz Sharif.Nawaz Sharif says he remember the poor nation.

Khan admitted Nawaz sharef is a king

Khan admitted  Nawaz sharef is a king 

Tea Maker makes good tea.

Tea Maker makes good tea.

Who will eat charsi kebab.

Who will eat charsi kebab. Drug addict. Do not worry. It's kind of a kebab , which is Seasoning (cooked)only in the salt market in Peshawar .